defined by Part 4, Part 31 of PA 451, 1994, revised 4/2/99, Designated
Uses are recognized uses of Waters of the State established by state
and federal water quality programs. All Waters of the State are
to be designated and protected for all of the uses listed below.
However, some uses are not met at all, some are met for only part
of a watershed and some do not apply.
Steering Committee was presented with tables
that addresses these Designated Uses, as well as identification
of those designated uses that were "threatened" or "impaired". The
watershed was divided into five
River Valley Segments for the purpose of identifying impairments
to the watershed. Threatened uses are defined as the types of activities
that may impact a water body currently meeting a designated use
such that it will not meet water quality standards in the future.
Impaired uses are defined as verified and perceived concerns resulting
in a designated use not being met. Surface waters are designated
for and shall be protected for all of the following uses:
- Warm
water fishery
- Other
indigenous aquatic life/wildlife
- Partial
body contact, recreation
- Full
body contact, recreation (May - October)
- Navigation
- Public
Water Supply: Surface Intake Point
- Industrial
Water Supply
- Agriculture
- (certain
water bodies are also protected as a coldwater fishery)
Steering Committee also selected additional Desired Uses during
the July 2003 meeting. These are additional uses of the watershed
in which it should be protected or improved to meet.
- Groundwater
- Habitat
- Increased
public access (to the river/streams)
- Archeological
- Preserve
agricultural uses and access
- Preserve
open space
- Greenways
- Public
water trails
- Watershed
- Manage
invasive species.
List of Desired Uses and Goals was devloped from Watershed Management
Plans developed for subwatersheds in the Basin, from input by the
Steering Committee and the interview process.
The Steering Committee identified Watershed
Concerns and the designated uses that those concerns have the
potential to impair. Those concerns have been prioritized by the
Steering Commitee, acording to the importance of each concern and
the ease of implementing BMP's to correct those concerns,
in the following manner:
- 1.
Sediments (tie)
- 1.
Nutrients (tie)
- 3.
Habitat Loss
- 4.
Wetlands (tie)
- 4.
Animal Waste (tie)
- 6.
Pesticides (tie)
- 6.
Urbanization & Land Use (tie)
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
Pathogens (tie)
- 10.
Hydrologic Modification (tie)
- 10.
Litter (tie)
- 13.
Watershed has been divided into five River
Valley Segments for the development of the designated use tables.
those Designated and Desired Uses that are identified as being "impaired",
the pollutants causing those impairments
are identified. The Sources of those Pollutants and Causes of
those Sources are then further identifed. An entire River Valley
Segment was rarely identified as impaired for a Designated Use.
Therefore, site specific impariments and the pollutants causing
those impairments were identified. These impairments, identified
in subwatershed management plans and through the interview process,
were combined with all known impairments from published 305(b) and
303(d) lists. Generally, the pollutants impacting the watershed
- Mercury
- Chlordane
- PCB's
- Heavy
- Pathogens
- Nutrients
- Sediment
- Atrazine
- Invasive
- Trash/Debris
- Incidental
Spills (known and suspected)
- Habitat
Loss, Channelization
TMDL program lists water bodies meeting designated uses and
water bodies with impaired and threatened designated uses. MDEQ's
2002 Nonattainment List identifies those waterbodies not meeting
their Designated Uses. More information on the TMDL/303(d) list
for each state and a map can be found on this website's TMDL
A water
quality summary has been developed based on the impairments
in the watershed.